Welcome to this month’s ‘From Behind The Mist’ – your guide to top picks from our incredible catalogue. From premium bongs to marijuana pipes, find out more about what we stock here at The Bong Shop.

This month’s product feature is the Stündenglass®, a gravity pipe so elegant and eye-catching that you’ll be dying to get your hands on one. With its futuristic look and expert functionality, the incredible innovation of this product is overwhelmingly apparent.


Even pot enthusiast and actor Seth Rogen is a fan of this beast of a creation. Apparently, Rogen tapped out after one hit and ended up having a coughing fit that lasted 20 minutes (check out the hilarious video here, although note that he’s using a different model to the one we sell). If that isn’t a perfect demonstration of the sheer power of the Stündenglass® then we don’t know what is.

The Stündenglass® is the first of its kind – a water-powered smoking pipe with enhanced functionality through the clever use of, well, physics. Good old-fashioned science. You can also have a contactless smoke experience (very useful in times of Covid-19), where the gravity forces smoke from the hose or mouthpiece, which means that you have to do very little except for inhale, meaning you can get your hit without even touching the device! Pretty nifty piece of equipment.


Despite its futuristic appearance, the Stündenglass® is surprisingly easy to use, coming with interchangeable pieces that cater to a variety of smoking preferences. It features a fixed base pipe that pushes out pressured smoke for an easy smoke. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, you can attach the hose with a glass mouthpiece that’s included in the set, making pass-arounds and lying back on the couch just that bit easier.

When it comes to cleaning this bad-boy, you’ll get it done in no time at all. The Stündenglass® is super easy to take apart to clean, where you can even put the globes in the dishwasher! There’s a handy video that you can watch for a detailed look at how to properly clean your Stündenglass®.

The timeless design and craftsmanship are big selling points, but an even better one is the fact that this product comes with a 10-year warranty. So, although this might be quite a big commitment financially, the Stündenglass® is well worth the investment, and the warranty will help put your mind at ease should you run into any problems or issues.

The full list of the Stündenglass®’s components are glass and aluminium hookah, glass globes, hookah bowl, hookah wand, male-to-male hookah bowl adapter, flower bowl, coal tray, 3-foot hose.


The Stündenglass® is a type of water gravity hookah and is one of the most high-tech ways to consume hookah shisha and other products (wink wink).

Utilising 360-degree rotation and kinetic motion, you can observe the water displacement between the two chambers and watch in awe as one chamber begins to fill up with smoke. Watch the natural force of gravity work its magic here. The kinetic motion activates the steady stream of smoke for the entire use, where coals must burn throughout use. 

The hits that are created are some of the most powerful yet smoothest you’ll ever experience.

So, there you have it – the Stündenglass®. A one-of-a-kind gravity hookah for those cannabis connoisseurs who want to level up their smoking game. You can check out their official website for more info.